Theatre Around L.A. – “Wait Until Dark” at Geffen Playhouse | Lisa Temple Actor

Theatre Around L.A. – “Wait Until Dark” at Geffen Playhouse

In Blog | on November, 01, 2013 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

The second Los Angeles Theatre interview came about when one of Rich’s fellow castmates offered us comp tickets to see “Wait Until Dark” at Geffen Playhouse. Well, who wouldn’t take advantage of such a great opportunity?? Many thanks to Lauren Patten, who is Allison Pill’s understuLaurenRichdy in this effective thriller. Geffen has always been a favorite theatre destination in Los Angeles!

Rich and Lauren met in the production of “Burnt Part Boys”, an Appalachian-style musical produced by Third Street Theatre. The story is based on a true event wherein a mine caved in, leaving several children fatherless. Rich played Lauren’s Ghost Father, and the music is truly beautiful and haunting. This musical is rarely done, in fact, because the music is very challenging. Loved this show!!

Unfortunately, we couldn’t speak with Lauren after “Wait Until Dark”, due to laryngitis. But click here to hear our thoughts about this classic drama!

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