Thoughts on Awards Season | Lisa Temple Actor

Thoughts on Awards Season

In Blog | on February, 05, 2013 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

Awards Season is one of my favorite times, because I love watching all the new movies and seeing all the amazing creativity which Filmmakers share with the world. And I really love hearing what actors have to say about themselves and their work, and their genuine passion for the roles they play and the people with whom they collaborate. I’ve been learning more and more what it actually takes to become a successful actor at that level, and it’s quite an undertaking. Change must become my best friend whom I embrace every day!

I confess to also finding Awards Season frustrating and somewhat debilitating, since that’s where I want to be but I’m not there…yet. Self-Belief is a tricky thing and I notice at these times that part of me wants to throw up my hands and say, “Okay, I give up. I’m tired of climbing Mt Everest, when so few actually make it.”

The Fabulous Dallas Travers would say, “Replace Patience with Trust, and Pressure with Passion.” So the truth is, I love acting and can’t imagine doing anything else. I know in my heart that I’m meant to be an actor, and if I never make it to an Awards Event, at least I found myself here in this blessed place of knowing who I am and what I want!

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