Summer of Celebration | Lisa Temple Actor

Summer of Celebration

In Blog | on August, 09, 2013 | by Lisa Temple | 1 Comments

Every year my husband and I decide on a name for the summer. It started the year we went on a big diet, where he lost 40 lbs and I lost 20 lbs. It was called the Summer of Healing. That was also the summer my husband had heel surgery. Seemed like the perfect time to diet, right? Of course, he ended up losing far more weight much faster than I did. Maybe it was because he was burning lots of calories being on crutches for eight weeks!

RL@BoatHouseWe also had the Summer of Travel (went to London!), the Summer of Theater (produced a play he wrote), and the Summer of Moving On (putting the past behind us). So now, during this Summer of Celebration, we’re celebrating everything: friends getting married, a nephew’s big promotion, friends getting cast in great projects. We even celebrated after painting the bathroom, when the tape came off cleanly making beautifully perfect straight lines! Is it weird that we also celebrated finally buying a power hedge trimmer and using it for the first time? This summer is also about relaxing and enjoying the progress we’ve made, both professionally and personally. We realized recently that we’ve come so far and made so many changes in the last couple years, that it’s now time to let these things marinate. It’s been such a joy to stop and take a breath, and focus on the simple things in life. We were feeling pressured to continue the hectic pace and try to build Rome in a day. That’s never going to happen anyway, so why not choose to take things one day at a time?

As I said, we’ve been working on the house, painting and updating things like a new front door, and taking day trips in and around Los Angeles. This weekend we’re driving out to Norco, which is known as Horse Town USA. Since I grew up riding horses, this is a must see! I hope to find a great pair of used cowboy boots!! Plus, there’s also a highly recommended trail which offers an amazing view of two mountain ranges at the foot of the Cleveland National Forest.

We hope you’re enjoying your summer, and looking to explore new adventures!!

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One Response


A great picture and description of two beautiful people enjoying life and embracing gratitude and appreciation. Love it!

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