Sank Into the Couch, Crawled Back Out | Lisa Temple Actor

Sank Into the Couch, Crawled Back Out

In Blog | on April, 23, 2022 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

After the holidays, I wasn’t very happy. I felt unfulfilled, purposeless, and mostly adrift. Something was amiss but I couldn’t see what it was. Then one day as I watched the news, I felt like I was sinking into the couch; like I was being sucked in. I was frustrated with who I was being and feeling helpless about the state of our country and the world. 

I knew I had to do something. So, I crawled out of the couch, turned off the tv, walked around the house, and had a good old-fashioned talk with myself. Ever done that? It’s something I do at times like this. Thankfully, it’s been one of my good habits. 

As I hashed things over with myself, it became crystal clear that I was watching way too much news. It started in 2020 with the lockdown and all the tragic covid deaths, plus the presidential election and the unfortunate lies that followed. The insane behavior of some members of Congress was blowing my mind, plus their statements seemed to be adding to the covid tragedy. Every day I heard yet another bizarre lie or personal attack that was beyond reason or belief.

What could I possibly do, just one woman following all of this painful news day after day? Nothing. There was nothing I could do for covid or the state of our politics, other than get vaccinated and vote every chance I get. I realized I had to stop watching the news, which had now become an obsession. Each day I couldn’t wait to tune in to hear what my favorite journalists might say about what so-and-so just said or did.

That’s no way to live. I had to change, so I chose to be brave. I turned off the tv and went cold turkey. It felt so weird, and at first I had to literally stop myself as my hand reached for the remote. Looking back now, I see that during the entire lockdown, and all of 2021, I was often sunk into the couch watching the news. While my husband was in the next room teaching music classes during Zoom School, I was feeding my obsession. 

But in January 2022, things felt different. I think my brain had finally had enough, and my psyche was screaming at me: stop the madness! Without the tv though, there was a void that needed filling, and painfully, I knew it was up to me to fill it. Oh God, what should I do?

My prayer was answered when I thought of meditating and journaling. We’ve been doing “Deepak and Oprah’s 21-Day Meditations” since 2014, and I still had them on my computer. I chose the one called “Manifesting True Success.” I began listening to this series every day, and was able to reshape my thoughts toward my true purpose. That’s the first big goal of this meditation. 

What is my true purpose? I knew immediately: Pursuing Creative Expression. For the first time in my life, I finally get it. I fully understand that, by pursuing my acting, writing and producing, I’m living into my true self, no matter how scared or undecided I might feel at times. In 2019 I was able to push through those doubts and still write and produce my award-winning web series. I’m meant to be a Creative Artist, and simply put, I had lost my way during the pandemic. 

I was on a new path. After I meditated each day, I journaled for two pages – handwritten – the old-fashioned way. When I’d tried journaling in past years, I wrote negative thoughts; complaining and judging myself and others. This time around, I decided to practice being upbeat and forward thinking. I now knew I wanted to be a Creative Artist. No more giving in to apathy or being adrift.

One of my favorite quotes from Deepak during the meditation series is: “When you approach each moment with fresh eyes, you are no longer defined by your past pain or your fears for the future.” I say this every day and it’s been life changing. 

It took me awhile to stay in the present moment and feel good about my life’s journey. It took daily practice. My old habit was to allow a negative mindset, which ironically, always felt more comfortable. But after several weeks of practicing things like “I have an easy confidence” and “I love, accept and honor myself”, my life has transformed. I no longer involuntarily feed my bad habits. My goal is to focus on an empowering mindset and try to develop that part of my brain. The practice is working. 

During one meditation, I had an instinct to start working on a film script I’d begun back in 2015. It’s been sitting on my computer ever since. That very day I found it and began copying the scenes that still worked, which was a very helpful way for me to write again. I didn’t have to start from scratch. Slowly, but steadily, I began rewriting those old scenes one-by-one. The new characters and story ideas came easily to the Creative Artist deep inside my true self. Hallelujah!

So after working on this screenplay every week, I’ve now completed a thirty-five page short film! It’s called “The Smart One: A Woman’s Journey Home and Back.” Below is a small sample of the script. It feels amazing and I’m pretty proud of it. There will always be rewrites, of course. But for now, this first draft of my new short film is done and is registered with the WGA (Writer’s Guild of America).


And happily, here I am with another blog complete! I’ve enjoyed writing  about the “new me” this year. I had another block of time to fill today, and at first I wanted to just take it easy and not do much. But then I thought, “Oh come on, there must be something more productive I can do.” Then I remembered my desire to tell this story, so without hesitation, I picked up my computer and started writing. This idea of “practicing my mindset” has really helped so much. 

You’ve heard the old adage, “Practice Makes Perfect”? Well, the practice I’ve done has been perfect for me: my screenplay is done and this blog is done. And as Sheryl Sandberg says: 

“Done is better than perfect.” 

What types of blocks have you experienced, and how have you broken through them? I’d love to hear your stories!


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