I’ve Co-Written A Book!! | Lisa Temple Actor

I’ve Co-Written A Book!!

In News | on July, 31, 2014 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

What you say?? Yes, after coming up with the title a number of

We love working on projects together!

We love working on projects together!

years ago, and occasionally writing just a few chapters about barrel racing, 8th grade graduation, and my cheerleading days, I finally woke up and decided to ask my wonderful husband to help me finish this thing…finally!! And like a true scholar and a gentleman, that’s exactly what Rich did!

Thrilled to say we’re currently on our 3rd draft, and are showing it around for feedback. Next would be figuring out how to self-publish and take it from there. By the way, it’s unofficially called HOMETOWN BLUES, and is based on my childhood growing up in a small farm town in the Midwest. Lots of funny and poignant stories!

Inside my eNews is the First Chapter of our book, so click here to read it!!

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