Must-See List of Indie Movies! | Lisa Temple Actor

Must-See List of Indie Movies!

In Blog | on February, 19, 2016 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

One of my favorite pastimes is watching movies I find on Netflix. I search for actors I love to watch, especially if it’s an intense drama. Then you know you’re going to see an incredibly character-driven performance, where these talented actors really go for it. Always interesting to see well-known actors in an indie movie! Here are three movies I recommend:


ZisforZachariah DarkPlacesMovie StrangerlandMovie

These days I’m inspired to explore my writing instincts! Where did this come from? No idea, unless it was that one Creative Writing class I took in college, where the teacher suggested I keep studying. But I didn’t. Missed opportunity. But it’s okay. I see it was all resistance fueled by fear. Well, NO MORE.


Now I will forge ahead, past my perfectionism, and follow these moments of inspiration. In this case, it came from all the movies we add to our Netflix queue. We love watching movies, then discussing them at length. So fun!


There are many reviews for me to write, including for the three movies mentioned. Stay tuned for those, but in the meantime, check out my review of one of my favorites: Trumbo. Read my review here.




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