Meditation + Mantras = Mindset | Lisa Temple Actor

Meditation + Mantras = Mindset

In News | on July, 28, 2017 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

Theatrical 3-2010 (2)This summer we began working our way through Jeff Olson’s well-known book, The Slight Edge. The goal is to manage our mindsets every single day by taking baby steps every day. If you haven’t heard of it yet, I highly recommend taking a look and reading it. And when you do read it, stay open to the possibilities in your life. Change often feels like a challenge, but it’s just a natural part of life. No matter what you’re up to, this book offers a simple and clear way to find success, one step at a time!


We have also discovered some much-needed inner peace with the 21-Day Meditation Experience from Deepak & Oprah. We started doing these free meditations in June 2014, and we’re glad we did. They’ve been so helpful in managing the day-to-day stresses we encounter.


I hope all is well on your end, and that you take time to enjoy the rest of your summer!!


P.S. Our next book to read is “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor. Check that out, too!

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