Happy New Year To You And Yours | Lisa Temple Actor

Happy New Year To You And Yours

In News | on January, 14, 2016 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments


This year of 2016 started off in a weird way. First the sad news of Natalie Cole’s death on New Year’s Eve. She and her father were Unforgettable. Then came David Bowie’s death, and the amazing photo taken of him a few days before he died.


This photo inspires me to always put my best foot forward and not get drug down by life’s circumstances.





Next Alan Rickman left us, which was perhaps the most painful for me, since he was an actor. There isn’t one film he did that I haven’t loved. Of course, Professor Snape is a tremendous character, and his turn in Die Hard was killer. But perhaps his role in Truly, Madly, Deeply was somehow the most impactful. It’s one of my favorite films ever.


Alan was such an advocate for us actors, as he was forever speaking so eloquently and leaving us gorgeous quotes to live by. Thank you Alan Rickman for your compassion and integrity. We didn’t fully realize you were showing us the way with your every utterance.


Echoes HP & M

And on a personal note, we lost a dear friend suddenly on New Year’s Eve. His name was Fred and we cast him as my therapist in a play my husband wrote awhile back. Such a sad loss for all of his family and friends. And the other weird thing, my husband’s birthday is December 31st, and his sister almost got a new kidney that same day. We’ve never had such a sombre start to a year.


These life events really make you stop and think, don’t they? But it’s all good and we’re so grateful for each and every beautiful day we have! If you get another moment, check out my January eNews to learn more about my acting journey. Thanks!

Read my Newsletter here.




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