Happy Holidays 2015!! | Lisa Temple Actor

Happy Holidays 2015!!

In News | on December, 24, 2015 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments


As December draws to a close, Rich and I realize how many blessings we have to count, even though the world can be challenging these days. We have our health, happiness and are surrounded by an artistic family, who all bring us so much joy!  

Plus, we just got back from a trip to Broadway with thirteen music theatre students. Being around young people is so uplifting and we are grateful to look through their eyes once in awhile. We follow their lead to look at the bright side of things and make our optimism become a reality.


P.S. If you’d like to see shots of our Broadway trip, go to my Facebook Page.

And while you’re there, I’d love it if you’d “Like” my page. Then you’ll get my daily updates on FB. Thanks!!

Much Love To You and Yours, 

Lisa & Rich 


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