Creating Better Habits | Lisa Temple Actor

Creating Better Habits

In Blog | on May, 31, 2013 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

LT_118 Blue GlassesAs I sit here this Memorial Day, it occurs to me that I’ve really improved the quality of my life the past few years. I used to get stuck on an emotion or a circumstance, and turn it into my own self-directed drama. I would keep playing that painful Cranial Cinema until I would become nearly debilitated. The worst part was that I didn’t think there was anything I could do but suffer through it till it passed somehow.

What I didn’t realize is that I was actually choosing to replay that negative film clip, not the reverse. The truth was, I could turn it off any time I wanted to. All I had to do was simply be aware that I was focusing on this debilitating story, and then create an empowering version instead. The negativity was merely a bad habit I’d latched onto, but one that I absolutely did not need to keep generating. I was in control of it.

One way to make this change is to use daily mantras, or even write your own to fit your exact issues. One of my faves is, “Why Is It Getting So Much Easier For Me To Act Fearless, Even When I’m Scared.” (Thanks Dallas Travers!) As a result, I am much happier and productive in my life, and looking forward to the future. What a difference to focus on the present moment, and to choose a fun exciting thought, instead of reliving painful past memories. I’m able to be far more facile now in managing my thoughts!

We all go through tough times, but if you find yourself getting tripped up frequently, stop and take a breath. What are you focusing on, and what do you wish your life held for you?

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