Building My Own Website | Lisa Temple Actor

Building My Own Website

In Blog | on February, 22, 2013 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments
Celebrating with Dallas Travers at her “Thriving Artist Circle” Get Together!!

Celebrating with Dallas Travers at her “Thriving Artist Circle” Get Together!!

A year ago I started learning about Social Media, and how our websites should be our “Online Real Estate”. What? At the time I already had a website, and while it looked good, I came to realize that the format was limited. The past few weeks I’ve been working on this site, and as a “novice website builder”, so far it’s working well for me. I must confess though, I’m gonna have to get help for the more complicated aspects. But I’m so happy to have my own blog content now!

As for Facebook, I’d only been going on maybe once a week, and had no idea what to do once I got there. And I didn’t get Twitter at all, figuring it was only for uber famous people to play around with. Oh, and a YouTube Channel? I had no interest whatsoever. Clearly, I needed to pull my head out of the sand! I started hearing about how actors should really “get connected” on Social Media, if they wanted to be savvy. Well, that sounded intriguing, cuz being savvy is one thing that really motivates me. So I took a “Social Media Power Player” course taught by two amazing ladies, Dallas Travers and Therese Cator.  My life has not been the same since!

I now have a Facebook Fan Page, which I’m really enjoying cuz it’s turning out to be a fantastic creative outlet for me. I’m not a good visual artist, so writing posts and uploading pictures and videos is  great fun.  And I continue to learn more and more about the value of being on Twitter, and how communicating with people in short spurts is really fun, and it works. I also now love having a YouTube Channel and a Vimeo account, so I can easily share my videos. 

So even though my site still needs work and most certainly isn’t perfect, I hope you’re finding ways to get to know me better. It definitely feels like I am able to market myself in powerful ways now!!

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