Booked A Role on FOR THE PEOPLE!! | Lisa Temple Actor

Booked A Role on FOR THE PEOPLE!!

In News | on September, 18, 2017 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

Can you say, “Happy Dance?!” That’s what I’ve been doing ever since I got the call on a Friday evening!! I’ve auditioned for this show before, so I felt more relaxed and ready to go this time. I even wore my very best suit, and put on hose and wore pumps. Ha!


Perhaps this extra effort made the difference, but who really knows? Casting is mostly out of our control. All we can do is prep the audition well, show up on time, be a joy to work with, and stay focused on the task when we walk into the room (instead of being nervous). Without these all-important steps, our chances of ever getting that fabulous phone call will drop significantly. That’s the truth.


I’ve long been a fan of all the Shondaland TV Shows, so this feels like a dream come true! The good news is, there’s a possibility my role as a judge could “recur”, since it’s a legal drama. Wouldn’t that be smashing?  Please keep your fingers crossed for me!


You can follow For The People on IMDb, but stay tuned to learn when my episode will air. I’ll let everyone know when I know! For now, read more about my day on set in my September News here, plus see some photos of me and my cast mates by the “honey wagon!!”



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