Artistic Collaborations | Lisa Temple Actor

Artistic Collaborations

In Blog | on June, 12, 2013 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments
Rich & I on the set of Kiff Scholl's Film, "Surprise".
Rich & I on the set of Kiff Scholl’s Film, “Surprise”.

I would like to make my own movie! Thankfully, these days it’s far easier to do so than ever before. Good equipment is less expensive, and using digital files instead of “film in a can” makes the editing process less complicated (though there is still no substitute for a great, artistic editor!). Plus, the on-line publishing process makes distribution almost a no-brainer.

My husband and I are very interested in making a film of a play he wrote a couple years ago. Of course, a play is very different because the story is told in a descriptive way instead of a visual way like in a film. On camera, much can be said in a close-up with an actor’s expression and reaction. On stage, the audience just can’t see into the actor’s eyes in the same way, so the emotion has to be conveyed more with their voice and the lines they’re saying.

So the first thing we had to do was put the play version into a screenplay format. Now that’s done, we need a Script Doctor to help edit all the descriptive lines into a close-up conversation. It’s as if the audience is sitting at the table with the actors, where so much is said without words. This is, after all, why films are particularly compelling and can move us deeply with just a look. Luckily, my husband is working on a new musical, and the director just happens to be a Script Doctor.

This is a perfect example of collaborating with fellow artists! Since my husband is working with this guy on one of his pet projects, it becomes a great opportunity to discuss screenwriting and the possibility of his helping with our new movie. That’s one of the greatest aspects of our chosen careers in the Entertainment Industry: finding an Artistic Family who can offer love and support.

We just agreed to be the “Silver Lake Couple” in a new film written and directed by an actor friend of ours, Kiff Scholl. It’s been his dream for many years to write this film, and he’s finally doing it!! It felt really fantastic to be part of his creative process, knowing we were contributing to his dream and insodoing, moving closer to our dreams as well. We are thrilled to be going on this adventure and building beautiful relationships with Fellow Artists!

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