Happy New Year!!: Another Set Of Sides – Vol XIII Of My Acting Journey | Lisa Temple Actor

Happy New Year!!: Another Set Of Sides – Vol XIII Of My Acting Journey

In Blog | on January, 04, 2019 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

Let’s hear it for 2019!! I’m excited for all the possibilities we can all look forward to this year. 2018 was a great year, as I had a breakthrough in my writing. That was a huge transformation for me. I’m still adjusting to this new part of my expressive voice. But this year I intend to produce my web series, maybe even expand it into a half hour sitcom format. Hooray!!

This result has come about because of the excellent reading I had back in November. All the ladies did a great job, and they were very encouraging to me. They had lots of helpful ideas for the story and their characters, which I’ve already incorporated into my rewrites. I’ve now completed my third draft. Plus, I met with a potential director in December, and she’s also supportive of my series. I will be meeting with her in January and we will move forward from there.

Joy DeMichelle, Patricia Mizen, Lisa Temple,
Karen Kahler, Toni Christopher

I hope your holidays were relaxing, festive and inspiring. I’ve learned recently that it takes planning and effort to have the “time of your life.” I used to think that it’s just luck, that some people simply have things fall into place for them. For years that joy was largely out of my control. But now I realize it’s not luck at all. It’s envisioning how you want your life to be, then taking the necessary actions to make it happen.

That’s why we had a wonderful holiday season this year, really enjoying the festivities. We saw A Christmas Carol at the Geffen (a solo show tour de force starring Jefferson Mays). We went to the Magical Holiday Truck that drives through Toluca Lake and North Hollywood. We attended the stunning Christmas Eve Service at First Congregational Church in Los Angeles.  We had a lovely birthday party for my husband, where we had a great time with many of our dear friends. And we had live performances! Finally, on New Years Eve we went to the Descanso Gardens “Enchanted Forest Of Light”.

We saw so many amazing sights, which are still fresh in my mind’s eye. As the year progresses, I will draw on these lovely sights to remind myself of how blessed I am. Sending love and light to you and yours!

This was so charming! It was like small town meets big city as this truck full of carolers drove through the neighborhoods.
Just walking into this church on Christmas Eve is a joyous, healing experience. And then the music and sermon really transport you!
Celebrating Rich’s birthday on New Years Eve. This is a stunning holiday night walk at Descanso Gardens, filled with designer lights!
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