Back In Acting Class: Another Set Of Sides – Vol XII Of My Acting Journey | Lisa Temple Actor

Back In Acting Class: Another Set Of Sides – Vol XII Of My Acting Journey

In Blog | on November, 09, 2018 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments


I’m now taking a Thursday night acting class, and last night was the second class. It felt surprisingly good to be there. This is the first acting class I’ve taken in awhile, like four and a half years, so it’s been a big change. So far, before I leave for class, I feel kind of nervous and like I’d rather be staying home to watch Shondaland TV. That’s where I usually am on Thursday nights.


But I’ve paid my money and have chosen to be in a class again, so even though it feels odd and otherworldly to be in a class with a bunch of actors, I show up to do the work. The last couple years I’ve been having private coaching sessions, which have been really helpful. I’ve been able to focus just on my sides and not have to worry about anyone else. In class, I used to get intimidated by the other actors, and end up comparing myself to them in all the wrong ways (Thanks, “inner voice” Sheila). That left me sort of paralyzed and unable to open up. Plus, there’s that whole perfectionist thing. Small wonder I thought twice about being in class again, huh?


But not this time! This time in class, I’m giving up that old, tired mindset, because it totally sucks. What a terrible way to look at myself and at being in class. Going in with such low expectations really sets up an all-around bad experience, which then makes me feel justified in not taking a class. I get to say, “See, I don’t do well in class so why bother?” (Damn you, Sheila.)


Now, with this change in attitude, I’m enjoying myself and feeling comfortable around the other actors. What a relief…and it’s really fun. Truth is, everyone is unique, so there’s no need to compare myself to anyone. Everyone brings their own essence and sensibility to their acting work. I can appreciate a really good actor without that taking anything away from anyone else, including me. That’s the empowering and motivating way to take an acting class. Bam.


I’m taking the “6-Week Workout Class“ at BGB Studio* in North Hollywood. Every week features a different teacher focusing on a variety of techniques. Last night we worked on Sanford Meisner’s Repetition Exercises, which are my favorite! This class is going to be an absolutely great workout, and will help keep our acting skills fresh and inspired.


The reason I love studying Meisner is that it’s not about “acting”. It’s about being truthful as a person, which allows your true self to show through while you’re acting. We make our choices in the scene from how we’re actually feeling in every moment, rather than trying to put on a character. This keeps our work fresh and unique. Sanford Meisner said that his approach to training “is based on bringing the actor back to his emotional impulses and to acting that is firmly rooted in the instinctive. It is based on the fact that all good acting comes from the heart, as it were, and that there’s no mentality to it.”


You can see that an over thinker like me can really benefit from this type of training. I must learn to trust my instincts and be open.


*If you’re unfamiliar with BGB Studio, Risa Bramon Garcia and Steve Braun are wonderful people and artists, who are completely dedicated to actors being their authentic selves. And all the teachers at their Studio are equally amazing and committed to their craft. I highly recommend training there. Visit their website here!

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