My Web Series, Pt. 2: Another Set Of Sides – Vol XI Of My Acting Journey | Lisa Temple Actress

My Web Series, Pt. 2: Another Set Of Sides – Vol XI Of My Acting Journey

In Blog | on November, 03, 2018 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

Celebrate the everyday victories with a delicious cup of coffee!

This week brought excellent progress on my web series. Plus, I got three auditions for which I’m very grateful. I’ve shifted my attitude about self-tapes, thankfully, and they’re beginning to feel like good friends. Auditions always make me feel like I’m fulfilling my true purpose. And now, writing is starting to feel that way, too.


Regarding my web series, after an actress friend showed an interest, I sent the first episode and an info sheet to her. She liked what she read, we scheduled a call, and she was very excited to help in any way she could. She’s going to help me produce, as well as be in the cast. What a wonderful gift from God and the universe!


Needless to say, this friend was extremely encouraging to me, and she helped give me a big confidence boost to reach out to even more people. To clarify, I grew up as a shy child and used to be nervous around others. The very idea of asking someone for help or actually talking on the phone was out of the question. And honestly, there are still times when this old habit shows up…but not this week. (Back off, Sheila.)


So, I decided to contact the other three ladies I had in mind for the cast. And here’s the thing I have to remind myself: for a true invitation, the people I ask have to be free to say ‘no’. If they turn me down, I need to stay gracious and thankful – I can’t take it personally. If my invitation is honest and freely offered, the Universe will align with me. Well, I freely invited and they all said ‘YES’! They’re all very talented actresses, whom I’ve either worked with or met at different events, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. My cast for the initial reading came together quickly and easily. What an amazing feeling.


Another great contact I have is a director I worked with on a film, whom I’ve kept in touch with. He’s been on my list of industry professionals I wanted to ask for help, so I sent him an email. He replied with a great list of questions for me about my series, and it was so helpful. As a new producer, I’m incredibly glad to know each and every little thing I need to move forward. My learning curve is steep, but I won’t let that stop me.


I first heard the important lesson of talking to people years ago, way before the internet. Back then, in our Chicago days, I talked to a young theater producer who was just getting started. He told me he knew next to nothing about producing, so he just started talking to people. He would call a theatre company and say, “I have some great ideas for your company,” and they’d reply back, “Great. Send us a letter of introduction on your letterhead.” Well, he didn’t have letterhead, so he went to a printer. And they said, “Sure, we can print your letterhead, but first we need your Business Logo.” Well, he didn’t have a logo…you see where this is going: what you don’t know, someone else does – don’t be afraid to ask questions!


My immediate plan for my web series is to have a first reading/rehearsal with the cast, and then before the year is out have a public reading of it so I can get feedback, and maybe even funding. I’m sure there’ll be many great comments from both the cast and those who come to the reading. Then I can start my rewrites in earnest. I’m preparing myself for the fact that writing is rewriting. It’s all about collaboration and creating the best series I can.  I do believe that this is really going to happen!!


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