My Web Series: Another Set Of Sides – Vol X Of My Acting Journey | Lisa Temple Actor

My Web Series: Another Set Of Sides – Vol X Of My Acting Journey

In Blog | on October, 26, 2018 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

No auditions this week, which is always a little depressing, but it’s okay. I’m not worried about that. I’m focusing on my actions. Therefore, the great thing that happened this week is that I finished the tenth episode of my Web Series, which means the first season is written. There’s so much to do now, which is daunting, but I can clearly see this series in my mind’s eye. So, I will keep that vision in front of me as I begin the process of getting this thing produced. This is an amazing accomplishment for me, and definitely something to celebrate!


Once again, this is why creating your own content is such a smart thing to do. During the times when the acting career slows down, it’s important to keep being creative as an artist, and growing as a person. Some people choose to volunteer with a worthy organization, take a dance class, or learn to paint. I do my power walks and exercises, of course, but I choose to write. It’s been an illuminating experience, because I’ve had to push through all my old negative attitudes and habits. But wow, I am so glad I’ve stayed the course. Now I’m feeling so empowered and excited about the many possibilities still ahead.


But even though I’m motivated to keep going, I notice that my perfectionist side is putting up her hand and saying, “Whoa, not so fast.” Great, I think, here comes the critical parent part of my brain that wants to convince me to stay small and safe. I call her Sheila. (Actually she has many personas: Sarcastic Sheila, Domineering Sheila, Dismissive Sheila…) Sarcastic Sheila says, “Hey You, don’t you realize this could take a whole year just to get ready to shoot? I doubt you’ll last that long. And what makes you think you can find all the people you need to pull this thing off? Oh, and please don’t tell me you’re considering casting yourself? You are SO not good enough!” Sigh.


Sheila is such a bitch. And she has kept me small and weak-minded long enough. Sheila makes me procrastinate, she bullies me into complacency, and makes me feel worthless. Okay, truth time: I’ve let her do all those things. And to be honest, I’m really tired of it. Still, I felt a little strange about sharing my accomplishment. My husband said, sit down and post on Facebook that you’ve finished your series. Do it now. Promise me! Wow, okay, geesh. So I posted, just for the hell of it. (Sheila was giggling softly in the corner). The response was wonderful. So many friends have been supportive and happy for me. It was a fantastic reminder that it always pays to share your good news! Oh, and that Sheila’s still a bitch.


The best news is, a couple of people have already shown an interest in helping me produce my series! Isn’t that amazing?! Now I’m confident that I will find all those behind-the-camera professionals I need for a kick-ass production team. Yes, there is a lot of work ahead, but I’m excited to begin. I know that, if I am true to my best self, my dream for my web series will come true. So Bam. Take that, Sheila!



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