To Be Or Not To Be: Another Set Of Sides – Vol IV Of My Acting Journey | Lisa Temple Actor

To Be Or Not To Be: Another Set Of Sides – Vol IV Of My Acting Journey

In Blog | on September, 14, 2018 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

Here’s the thing, sometimes I feel good about my acting career. Sometimes I don’t. Most of us have come to believe that this is acceptable human behavior. But I’m not convinced. I think it’s just a habit. Seems to me the important thing is to spend more time feeling good rather than feeling bad, right? I have to ask myself: what do I do when I have breakdowns, upsets, or disappointments?



It used to be that a criticism about my acting would send me over the edge, and it would take me days to get over it. That’s how vulnerable I was to the realities of this business. Of course, that’s a very weak way to approach the many obstacles we face, both as actors and as humans. Instead, we must stay open to people, accept the issues we come up against, learn what we can from each experience, and embrace our journey each and every day. Now I quickly move on, and choose to look on the bright side of whatever may happen.


Seems to me humans are in the habit of accepting negativity as a way of life; allowing ourselves to feel bad – like it’s a given. But the truth is we don’t ever have to feel bad about ourselves. Ever. We’ve just made negativity acceptable. But really, aren’t each of us meant to enjoy life and find fulfillment? Those are much more empowering habits to form.


I’ve spent way too much of my time trying to please others, and it never did me any good. Now I focus on taking care of myself; shifting my thoughts every time I need to in order to have that successful mindset I want. Besides, what someone else thinks of me is none of my business. (Still working on that one.)


Who knows, maybe I’ll never find the kind of success as an actor that I dream of.  But then again, what if I do? Which vision do I want to choose? It might feel more ‘normal’ to choose the first, to think that this is just a pipe dream and I’m deluding myself. Maybe. But I choose to keep seeing the vision I have of working regularly in TV and Film, embodying amazing roles that fit me well, meeting lots of empowering collaborators on each project, and having the time of my life.


That’s the vision that makes me feel good about myself. That’s what makes me want to get up in the morning and keep moving forward. I accept that I’m worthy and I deserve to follow this dream of an acting career. Just try and stop me!


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