A Vision Came To Me During Meditation | Lisa Temple Actor

A Vision Came To Me During Meditation

In Blog | on August, 11, 2017 | by Lisa Temple | 0 Comments

For three weeks this summer, my husband and I relished the 21-Day Meditation Experience by Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey, called “Desire & Destiny”. We are so grateful to Oprah and Deepak for these incredible free meditations. We’ve been doing them for over three years now, and we have no doubt we’re different people: more relaxed, more peaceful, more inspired, more motivated, and much happier!


So this time on Day 20, our cTheatrical 3-2010 (2)entering thought was “The world is waiting for my vision.” I confess I wasn’t feeling very inspired; I was more restless and doubtful about what vision I could possibly contribute to the world. But I didn’t focus on that, as I might’ve done in the past. Instead I simply followed the easy instructions as the meditation started: take deep calming breaths and repeat the mantra. I had to keep coming back to the mantra as my mind kept returning to negative thoughts. But I didn’t focus on them as they came up. I just went back to repeating the mantra without questioning it.


I don’t know when the vision came, but I suddenly saw a completely new idea for a web series I’d had two years before. And I mean, I clearly saw a whole new opening and a whole new setting for the series. It was amazing! I’d struggled with this for two years, and in fact had not only put it on the back burner, I’d put it in the back storage freezer. In the garage. Behind the lawn mower. As the meditation ended, I had tears of joy as I saw the gift I’d just received. Thank you God and the universe.


I realized this was the vision I could share with the world. What a transformation! I actually thought this idea was dead in the water because, you know, I’m not really a writer. I’m an actor. The truth is, I don’t have to look at it as a heavy burden or a hugely significant project. My web series is now a much simpler, clearer idea that will be much easier to produce and post on YouTube. That’s all I really need to do. And if it doesn’t take off in any meaningful way, it doesn’t matter. The point for each of us is to share ourselves with the world, and to be grateful for the privilege to do so. And maybe someone, somewhere, will find some clarity or inspiration for their own journey. 



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